I was the co-curator for the exhibit entitled ‘What Type’ which was on display at the Woodbury Art Museum from October 2 - December 8, 2018. Type creates and evokes meaning that facilitates visual communication and bridges intellectual and aesthetic understanding. Three hundred years after Gutenberg perfected the use of moveable type, the Arts and Crafts movement ushered in the revival of artistic individualism as a response to the homogeneity of mass production during the Industrial Revolution. In the same way, contemporary society has embraced a resurgence of interest in typography as a reaction to digital culture. Humanity craves to reconnect with the sentimentalism of words as mass communication becomes increasingly based on electronic convenience. What Type? is a survey of current conceptual and aesthetic design-making that focuses primarily on typography and hand-lettering that reflects this typographic revival. I created the wood sign using a CNC router to mill the vector paths.