The Grim Reaper is perched at the aft of a small skiff afloat in the foggy open ocean. He dangles a baby lamb on the end of a fishing line as bait in shark infested waters. Ravens swarm in a flock above, attracted by the anticipation of a feeding frenzy. The Reaper holds his hand in an iconic gesture associated with historical paintings of Christianity. In early Christian iconography, the gesture of the blessing hand actually shapes the letters IC XC, an abbreviation for the Greek words Jesus (IHCOYC) Christ (XPICTOC) which includes the first and last letter of each word. 'The Catch' was on display January 3 - 31, 2019 at Baton Rouge Gallery – center for contemporary art (“BRG”) in Surreal Salon 11. The national exhibition was juried by Camille Rose Garcia. 'The Catch' was also on display at the Springville Museum of Arts 33rd Annual Spiritual and Religious Art exhibit October 17, - January 16, 2019.